Discover the magnesium that reaches where others do not and can transform your formulations and consumer health.
Liposovit-Mg: High-Performance Liposomal Magnesium for Advanced Nutraceutical Formulations
If you’re a formulator searching for the most advanced ingredients, we present Liposovit-Mg. This liposomal magnesium powder sets a new standard in bioavailability and efficacy. Designed to meet the highest technical and quality demands, Liposovit-Mg is ready to redefine your formulations.
Liposomal Technology: A Decisive Advantage in Magnesium
Liposovit-Mg se distingue por su innovadora tecnología liposomal, una solución avanzada que supera las limitaciones de las formas convencionales de magnesio.
Absorption of Liposovit-Mg stands out with its innovative liposomal technology, an advanced solution that surpasses the limitations of conventional magnesium forms.
This technology is based on:
- Precise Encapsulation: Magnesium citrate is encapsulated in nanometric-sized lipid vesicles, composed of phospholipids that mimic the structure of cell membranes. This encapsulation facilitates its absorption in the small intestine.
- Optimized Bioavailability: The liposomes transport the magnesium through the intestinal wall, where they release it directly into the bloodstream. This maximizes the magnesium’s bioavailability and efficacy in the body.
- Targeted Delivery: Liposomal encapsulation also allows for more controlled release of the magnesium, optimizing its utilization and reducing the risk of side effects.
Additionally, the liposome dehydration applied:
- Significantly increases the storage stability of the final product compared to its liquid form
- Eliminates the need to maintain refrigerated temperatures during transport, distribution and storage of the formulation.
- Eliminates the need to add preservatives
- Increases the range of possible applications of the product, adapting it for easy encapsulation and convenient use in powder mixtures.
Human Study: Strong Evidence of Liposovit-Mg Superiority
The efficacy of Liposovit-Mg is not just a claim, but the result of an in vivo human intervention.The comparative crossover pilot study evaluated the bioavailability of Liposovit-Mg against a conventional form of magnesium (magnesium citrate), yielding the following results:
Greater bioavailability expressed as the Area Under the Curve (AUC): Liposovit-Mg demonstrated a significantly higher AUC compared to magnesium citrate (87.6 ± 15.9 mEq x h/L vs. 84.7 ± 15.6 mEq x h/L, p<0.05), confirming its greater bioavailability.
Maximum Concentration (Cmax): Liposovit-Mg achieved a slightly higher maximum serum concentration than magnesium citrate (1.9 ± 0.1 mEq/L vs. 1.8 ± 0.05 mEq/L). Although the difference was not statistically significant, the trend favored the liposomal form.
Time to Maximum Concentration (Tmax): The time required to reach maximum concentration was higher for Liposovit-Mg as compared to its conventional counterpart (10.3 ± 7.4 h vs. 7.3 ± 4.5 h), although the difference was not statistically significant.
Concentration at 48h (C48h): Serum magnesium levels at 48 hours post-administration remained statistically higher than baseline levels for Liposovit-Mg (p=0.011), whereas magnesium citrate concentrations decreased to pre-dose levels at 48h. This indicates more prolonged duration of elevated blood concentrations of liposomal magnesium.
Characteristics of Liposovit-Mg
- Forma: Polvo fino y homogéneo, de color beige claro a oscuro.
- Composición: Liposomas con magnesio citrato encapsulado, sin OMG, alcohol, conservantes ni alérgenos.
- Tamaño de Partícula:
- Tamaño promedio de 320 nm (D50).
- Media armónica: 316.4 nm.
- Desviación estándar: 81.37 nm.
- Moda: 266.3 nm.
- Integridad de las micropartículas de polvo confirmada mediante el uso de Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido (SEM)
Liposome integrity and homogeneity confirmed by cryo-transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM)
Average liposome particle size: 320 nm
Stability: 24 months under specific storage conditions (5-25 °C, humidity 25-70%.
Liposovit-Mg DIRECT: Optimization of Granule Formulation
For formulations that require even greater practicality and performance, Bart offers Liposovit-Mg DIRECT, a granulated presentation that stands out for:
- Fastener Dissolution Rate: Facilitates faster dissolution in water.
- Better Flow: Simplifies handling and incorporation into powder mixtures.
- Less Dust: Reduces dust generation during handling, improving cleanliness in the production environment.
- Less Hygroscopicity: Less tendency to absorb moisture from the environment, which increases product stability.
- Convenient Dosing: Allows precise and comfortable dosing.
Key Applications for Formulators
Liposovit-Mg is ideal for a wide range of applications, including:
- Different formats of food supplements: capsules, tablets or sachets
- Fortified foods
- Powder mixes containing other nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals and plant extracts, including other Liposovit® products.
Bart’s Commitment to Quality and Innovation
Liposovit-Mg is the result of Bart’s commitment to quality, innovation and scientific research. They are dedicated to providing formulators with tools and solutions that enable them to create cutting-edge products that make a difference in the health and well-being of their consumers.l bienestar de sus consumidores.